


My companion Planner workbook is going to be your best companion in life to help you to plan and achieve your goals, improve your productivity, manage your emotions and help you to become the best version of yourself.

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Sahla Parveen

Author, Trainer & Entrepreneur

Sahla Parveen is an entrepreneur, trainer, success coach, author, and artist. Born in Kerala, she has fought her way up the ladder with sheer determination to become one of the leading international trainers. She is the managing director of Spreading Richness and director of Haydays.

Well speaking of stars, that is what her name suggests too. The name Parveen means a ‘cluster of stars’. She has a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause. Well, true to her name, Sahla, even from her graduation days has realized that her purpose in life is to share with others what she knows well. That has made her take up training from her college days itself, as she started training her fellow students and students from other colleges, and even held sessions for teachers too.

My companion Planner workbook

My companion Planner workbook is going to be your best companion in life to help you to plan and achieve your goals, improve your productivity, manage your emotions and help you to become the best version of yourself.

 5 mints Journaling morning and before bedtime is a powerful habit that’s proven to improve one’s emotional wellbeing and happiness.

My companion Planner workbook will help you to live a meaningful life and focus on becoming the best version of yourself. 

Thoughtful workbook - 200 pages

Undated planner journal (Size – A5)

Functional & timeless design

Created for men, women,  professionals, entrepreneurs, students, parents, homemakers 

What’s Inside?

Goals for the year

Self love worksheets 

Inspiring quotes

Beautiful day tips

Gratitude journal 

Vision board 

Monthly spread – monthly goals, weekly goals, daily goals.

My Companion Planner workbook  is a 200 page book to help you create your most inspiring & successful year.

These questions and exercises are designed to guide you through self-discovery, exploration, and fulfillment. The workbook will help you create your dream life, from clarifying your vision to following through on execution. 

Are you ready to create rest of your life, best of your life?

What Drives Us: You, Our Purpose, and Core Values

Sahla Parveen is a renowned trainer and entrepreneur by passion & profession. To the minds of today who take the frantic search for secret paths that lead to success and happiness in life.

Sahla reveals the secret; the power of smile holds the key to open our mind’s door that would lead us to the path of success.

"Inspiring people to embrrace the joys of life"

Indian English-language daily newspaper

"Becoming a hertchitect"

Indian English-language daily newspaper

"Sahla is a wonderful girl who has made remarkable achievements at a very young age. Her thoughts and words will inspire youngsters to achieve their dreams"

Indian business magnate

"Sahla is spreading richness. One can only give what they have in abundance. True richness is richness of heart, the inherent richness. Sahla has that aplenty. Richness is this state of contentment and peace with oneself so much so that, the same richness transcends oneself spontaneously and merges with the society. I wish this effort a great success and I have no doubt that it will benefit many people in the days ahead."

Public Figure

"Sahla Praveen has been one of the remarkable success stories among the ten thousand students I taught over 20 years in different campuses across India. What distinguishes her is her ability to dream big and work towards it in a systematic and methodical manner. She represents the 21st century Indian women raring to go and not limited by circumstances of any kind. Her inspiring life should serve as a role model for thoudands struggling with limitations."

Chairman, Grace International Acadamy

"You are an agent of life transformation, an evangelist of happiness.  Keep doing your good work to help millions of people live a meaningful life,"

Business trainer, Public Figure

"Sahla Parveen radiates positive energy around her. She has the unique talent of influencing people through powerful ideas with a natural way of presentation. She is so simple that even a small kid could follow her" 

One-On-One Online Coach 

"Knowing the reality of life understanding the real purpose of it bought me to a stage in life where this young and inspiring person Sahla Parveen paved the way to my purpose. Being a beautiful flowing knowledge of wisdom in her young age makes me aspire more towards my ultimate purpose. Thank you for being a part of my life."


"You are a perfect blend of emotional depth and rational      breadth. A uneque but rare combination of competency that could help tremendously in facilitating personal and organisational transformation." 

Chairman ODA


Are you ready to create rest of your life, best of your life?